Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gettin' Crafty

I don't think I'll ever be one of those ultra crafty moms, even if my friends think I am.  Sure, I spent a small fortune on all things scrapbook, and for about five years I was queen of the albums documenting every little thing my baby girl got into.  But beyond that endeavor (which I've sadly lapsed on because my resident artists have claimed and relocated my tools a bit too often), I'm not really a decorating, designing mama.

So I'm quite proud of myself for deciding on a whim that we'd spend our Sunday afternoon designing masks.  JoAnn's offers a 15% teacher discount and with a 40% off coupon, I was set.   The masks came preprimed and "ready to paint."  We picked out jewels for bling, feathers for fancy, and three paint collections for variety.

Chi's project:  As she said, "Does it look scary?  I don't want anyone scared.  I want them to think it's beautiful."
chi's project
Ya's project:
ya's project@ya's project
And after seeing how totally cool the kids' masks were, I couldn't help but think that I should've grabbed one for myself.  Hmm... just might be what I do tomorrow after work.  Who cares if the day for dressing up will have passed?  Afterall, they're not wearing their masks while Treatin'.

Oh... for future inspiration, laughs, and eye candy, I'm checking out the SITS girls Halloween Party.  Join the fun... EVERYONE is doing it ::wink::

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Great project for the kids, they did a really good job.