Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

While Ya busied himself in the yard at Grandpa's (and Daddy hung out in the 'man room' watching football), Mommy went on a quest to get some intriguing images in the abundantly lush front gardens. 

I think this is a moth... but Chi was certain it was a funny looking leaf.  I call him "Disguise."
8.15 (disguise)
I liked the oddity of these blooms.  I loved that there were two which straddled the leaves.  This is "Symmetry."
8.14 (symmetry)
I liked the interplay of flower color varieties in this grouping.  Here's a play on "Diversity."
8.14 (diversity)
Something about the yellow in the foreground flower made it seem powerful.  Add the height of this particular cluster of bloom, and it seems to "Thrive."
8.14 (thrive)
Ever been to a mixer?  You're not quite like anyone there, and yet you hang out for a bit just because you can.  Maybe you'll find commonality, maybe a partner for some great effort you've planned, or maybe you'll just stay for the experience of it all.  This is my "Mingle" capture.
8.14 (mingle)

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