Monday, November 7, 2011

Kea's Creativity

Ya lovingly dubbed his best friend since being womb-mates (well, sort of...I mean their Mamas were pretty close) 'Jacks'.
Jacks likes trains.
No. That's not accurate.
He loves Thomas the Train and his cohorts.
And though his Dad really wanted a "Jack in the Box" this Halloween, Jacks really wanted to be a - you guessed it - train conductor.
And his mom? Well... She had this idea. Save a diaper box. Or a wipes box.
"It'll make a great train," she said.
"Yeah, right," I replied.
She was inspired. She sketched out her idea.
I tried to see the vision.
There is, you see, no way to make a Thomas train out of a little cardboard box.

Oh, was I so wrong.
(I should've known, as I've seen the video of me in a similar box train creation for a nursery school production of "The Little Engine That Could")
I'm the mom doubting Thomas (LOL?).

But I jumped on board the project and we met for construction.
Our conductors-to-be proceeded to create massive train wrecks while we cut and taped.
And we carried our roughly crafted box trains into the art teacher's room the next day.
kea's creation
He somehow refrained from scoffing at us as he pulled out supplies to let us bring the vision to reality.
We papered. We painted. We taped.
And suddenly, the boxes looked like trains.
painted train
A few pieces of construction paper and some colored tape for detailing, a toilet paper role for a steam exhaust pipe, pulled cotton smoke, and...

We tested the costume out at a party Jacks' school was throwing. It drew quite a bit of attention (especially since there were twin trains and Mrs. Topem' Hat).

Jacks' trainMrs. Topem

And I totally loved seeing the excited conductors showing off their engines to the awed gathering.
I completely admit that hanging out with cool people has great rewards.

Halloween trick or treat photos are so hard to get in the dark, right? So, before retiring Thomas to the station house, I had to take him out for a daytime photo shoot. It was during that golden hour when the sun makes the fall tree look ablaze with light rays.
*shared with Sweet Shot Tuesday, Trendy Treehouse's Create and Share and Communal Global's Tuesdays Around the World.


nickea said...

I love love love this! I may have had the vision... But it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun alone! Besides, one Thomas the Tank Engine is far too normal... We needed twins! Lol!

Susan said...

Wow...I'm impressed mom. Now that is one costume. And such great pictures. I love seeing your pictures.

Hope you have a great day Rachelle!

deb duty said...

What an awesome costume! I'm impressed! Your photos during the golden hour turned out fabulous too!

emily said...

What a great idea!!! He looks pretty happy with it!

Carol said...

Fantastic photos! Such a handsome 'dude' ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ (A Creative Harbor) Happy SST ^_^

Tara said...


Dominique@Dominique's Desk said...

That's a really cool Thomas the Train costume. My boys too love Thomas and his train engine friends.

Casey said...

It turned out great! Your photos are fabulous!

Tamar said...

That costume is amazing!! Well done!!