Thursday, February 10, 2011

He heard me

2.3 (grimace)
It was past 10 p.m. when it started. 
I had put little man to sleep some time before. He, as always, was tucked in right next to me in the bed.
His little purring soothed me as I finished up my pointless play on CafeWorld (as though I have time to spare!).
Computer off, TV off, lights out, and then I joined him in slumber.
And then he coughed.
And then, he heaved.
And then, he vomited.
It was not pretty.
It made me a little queasy, myself.
It took a bit of planning to figure out what to clean first - - I opted for the child.
Then, I striped the bed.
I replaced the sheets.
Tossed the unwashable comforter aside.
And redressed the wee one in a clean tee and "di-dee".
He lay down quick and succumbed to his dreams.
I tried to find sleep, and almost reached it.
And then he coughed.
And then, he heaved.
And then, he vomited.
It was not pretty.
2.4 (pout)
No plan was needed this time.
The discarded soiled bedding pile grew a bit larger.
I opted to toss pillows aside, lay down towels just in case.
I found a bucket amongst the bath toys.
Little one sipped water, his bleary eyes tried to focus.
The bucket was placed against the wall - within arms reach.
I turned on the TV (but not the cable) for a soft light.
And then he coughed.
And then, he heaved.
I got the bucket to him just in time...
And then, he vomited.
It was not pretty.
I rubbed his back as we sat, exhausted and unsure what exactly was going on.
In my heart, an unspoken prayer. My lips never formed it.
But, He heard me and answered with a snow day for a soft dusting of winter white.
I'm thankful.

1 comment:

cynthia said...

You have a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts ... This post read like poetry to me. Poor little guy. I'm glad your unspoken prayers were heard.