Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Remember When

Every once in awhile I filter through the negatives - yes negatives - of images snapped here and there. It makes me yearn for the ease of yesteryear.  I wonder what I'd have become were I to have continued on my path towards a media career. 

Would I have been happy?
Immersed in the field?
Traveling to capture life outside my own little world?
Saying a million goodbyes to family and friends?
Perhaps not having a family of my own?
Would I have wanted to be that girl - the glamorous girl with the glossy pictures [she took] in all the magazines?

Would I miss the laughter of my children?
The smiles and the tears?
The endless diapers, the potty training?
The spontaneous hugs and kisses?
The "I love you"s?

I flip through the photos, like this one I took in Hong Kong. 
Hong Kong wet market
I reminisce.  I miss.

And then I realize... I'm where I want to be.
Right here.
Right now.

This week's I Faces challenge is scenic black and white.


Anonymous said...

Oh MY what an awesome shot! It makes me want to go and experience it! Totally cool!

Tamar SB said...

Wow! How cool is that picture!


Unknown said...

My dream is travel the world and capture what God is doing around us....I love this shot! The guys facial expression is a worth a thousands words...he's not only a butcher...he's a man with a story to tell.

June Roach said...

WOW! That is a phenomenal shot! Thank you for sharing.