Monday, October 4, 2010


A letter to a blogging, photographing, writing giant:

I'm sitting at work procrastinating - oh how often I seem to do this - as  browse your site for the umpteenth time.  And every time I visit, I feel something inside my soul stir.  It's as though through looking at your pictures and your words I am being pulled to do something now.  Now, not a few years from now, not a few months from now.  Right now. I'm feeling this new sort of inspiration to find the self I lost in this jumbling of adult responsibility and necessity that has become daily life.   I've no idea why I thought I'd share, but here I am writing anyway.  You see, you have touched my life simply by living the life you want right now. I am especially drawn to your list project - by your photographing faces and leaving them just as God created them, and amazingly they are absolutely stunning. Anyway, I should be grading papers and planning lessons, not oogling over photographs and words that evoke a feeling of free verse poetry in their eloquence...

And shock of all shocks?  She wrote me back within hours!

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