Sunday, October 25, 2009

What we've been doing...

Free time is reserved for the weekends these days, and so we try to fill them with adventure.

First, Chi lost a tooth and changed her hair style :
Tooth gone! looks better in the mornings, really...

Ya determined he likes little pumpkins, but hasn't figured out how to eat them yet... though he's tried really hard:
I pick this one
Mommy was determined to get a picture of Ya surrounded by fall foilage. This was NOT the picture she had in mind, a dangerous (but cute, because it is Ya, of course) impression of a chipmunk:
Chipmunk caught!
Ya was determined to cram as many acorns as he could find into his mouth... this is how many he had in his possession:
Need nuts?

A few days and hundreds of picture attempts later, we did get one amazing portrait... but it seems to be hiding in Mommy's new dinosaur, Tetra (external storage drive with a terabyte of memory - - which I'm told is a lot of space).

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