Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking Forward - SWF '12:1

Delicately I begin brushing away cobwebs
Softly blowing the settled dust covering.
Brittle paper below years of neglect,
mementos of a forbidden love affair.

Once, knowledge of lustful infidelity crushed - -
child of twelve couldn't handle Truth.
He chose pursuits not his own,
and tore to shreds marriage vows.
She was created in these passions
(an innocent born of what's not).
Selfish, stubborn, and loyal I declined
to acknowledge what he laid claim.
At her breast, I buried myself;
opened her old wounds and hurt.
She, the betrayed, allowed me comfort - -
as only Mother could, head high.
He no longer stood above me,
his pedestal crumbled with my discovery.
Foolishly, I had expected his perfection.
His word was bond - became law.
My father, merely human, was humbled.

Years passed and she grew apart:
my sister unknown in childhood's choice.
Our children, cousins and strangers alike.
The withered tree of family struggling.
But now adults with our own
vows spoken before God and loves,
attempt to understand what once was.

The aged testaments shared by lovers
without regard for right become guide.
Burning the evidence cannot erase it.
Instead, I offer these romantic tokens
as proof she's love's own creation.
Perhaps he was conflicted back then?
We wont condone, but will forgive.
(Mother taught me that with strength.)

Looking to future instead of past,
we seek to fertilize and grow.
Restoring health to long ailing limbs
and accepting one another as part.

*inspired by "looking forward" from Six Word Fridays ; shared with Write on Edge.


Caroline said...

I am amazed that you can write such *beautiful* poetry with the six word constriction. I can't!! You made me cry today, Rachelle.

Adrienne said...

Profoundly moving. Full of conflict, pain, joy and resolution. I always feel like a miracle has taken place when I can truly put something painful in its place and take that 'freed' step forward. You really captured that miracle with what you wrote!

pattisj said...

This is beautifully written, obviously from your heart.

Mel Gallant said...

Wow, Rachelle. Your words are aching with pain, confusion and loss but also of beauty, forgiveness and love. Well done. Well said.

Patti G said...

Beautiful - as always. Thank you for sharing.
Also - congrats on your Top 10 Photo on 2011 on the iHeartFaces Blog!

Melissa said...

Looking forward instead of back takes courage. May that tree long flourish.

Jewels said...

Wow. Don't know what else to say. Just wow.

Rachelle said...

Thank you! I was honored and am still in shock at the selection!

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Hello Rachelle! I read this several times yesterday and again this morning. Very powerful moving words that flow into profound sentences. I love the idea and the vision of the withered tree becoming healthy and full of life once again and able to support new branches. Moving on-tough. But a must. Beautiful, powerful Rachelle.

Kisatrtle said...

What a wonderful blog you have. So glad I found you. Love your header! This post was outstanding, thank you for sharing it.

Robin | Farewell, Stranger said...

This is really lovely. I can't get decent poetry to come out with the 6-word format but you've done a wonderful job. What a personal story, beautifully shared.

LaQueshia Jeffries said...

Your words brought back memories of seeing someone I considered infallible humbled by his actually humanity. Powerful stuff girl.