Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the Closet

Okay, perhaps this isn't the best title for this post.  I mean, you really can't get in my closet – even though it is a walk in and it's designed for two.  Yes, I know where my daughter gets her clothing storing habits from (though my clothes aren't on the floor, they're in little folded piles or on hangers on the door knobs).

But metaphorically speaking – and I can, because I teach what I prefer to call the art of language - I'm in the closet. 

What closet, then, if not the one in my bedroom?  I'm a closet writer.  Yes. I've said it.  I'm a writer.  Churning in my head at this precise moment are at least 10 unwritten story ideas, some started in classroom examples for my students, some just in the "grey matter" waiting anxiously to be penned.

The problem is that I'm stuck in the closet.  Confused yet?  I mean I just finished saying one could not get in my closet and now I'm saying I can't get out. 

My closet is big, it is full of ideas, and it is comfortable.  I sort of like hiding inside, buried under the suites of responsibility, the shoes of deadlines, and the scarves of other people's needs and activities.  Sometimes, though, I play peek-a-boo.  I dabble a bit in class, showing my students it [writing] can be done in the time allocated, at least in draft.  Occasionally, I even share with the outsiders of my "blog-universe."  Most often, though, I share ideas verbally in bursts of conversation embellished just so and lovingly thrust at the unsuspecting person who dared to talk to me. 

(Is it any wonder that my brother sweetly replied to my daughter's 'Mommy, are you gonna let me talk now?' with "Do you know your mother?")

I digress.  I'm a rambler.  A rambling writer.  Ooh, that has a ring to it.  And I think I'm making an October 12, 2010 resolution (because it is neither a new year or a new month or a new season).  I'm going to share more often here.  I mean, why not?  It's not like my blog is required reading.  Browsers can easily jump to another website when my blahblahblah becomes (or continues to be?) tedious. 

Oh my, I'm jumping out of the closet.  I hope it doesn't scare you.
10.1 me
(photo by Chi, 10.01.10)

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