Friday, August 27, 2010


It's Friday ya'll, and I'm so very tired.  I think I've been a bit active in my sleep just conjuring up thoughts of the looming school year and returning to work next week for teacher-in-service.  Trust, it doesn't help with my beauty sleep efforts (neither did the decision to drink a cup of coffee at 10 and a Pepsi at 11 - what was I thinking?).

Anyway, enough blahblahblah ala Peanuts teacher drone.  I'll save that for my first day lecture because I know how much those fresh faced, bubbly teens enjoy hearing my schpeal - no shpeel - uh... my motivational pitch (I instantly wanted to inquire how do you spell that? And so I looked it up, teacher that I am; it's spiel).

So what exactly is TGIF?
Thank Goodness It's Fotos!

If I was über motivated (insert: knew how to) insert a linky thing, I'd totally enjoy having other people share with me... but alas, I am lazy because I am sleepy.  And I spent all initiative I had looking up the word spiel.  Terrible, I know.  As is my spelling.  I've corrected just about every other word I've tried to type. Ahhhh.

So here's my gal modeling her brother's winter aviator hat and scarf that I ordered just in time for... summer:


Kristin said...

Thanks for stopping by Ellie-Town!

Your pictures are AMAZING and I love the new hat and scarf. I'm now a follower. :)

carlotta cisternas said...

Love those photos! Your daughter is adorable :)