Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh So Sick...

I don't think I've ever had a stomach virus quite like this one. It came immediately following a very late banquet dinner at a Pastor Installation service and rendered me immobile for much of the next day (except of course to race to the restroom to hug the porcelain god). I tried desperately to will the body to let out whatever demon had entered it - and the direction it came was certainly not an issue so long as I was feeling better. But alas, the 7up went flat. The ginger ale went missing. The water was a last resort. And still, though my stomach complained audibly, nothing was moving along its course. I ate, reluctantly, two bowls of soup spread out over the course of the day. Bland, not what the brain said I wanted to eat. Now this morning I am preparing for work. I am hoping that I can run to the restroom and get the door unlocked quickly should the need arise... and I am praying that my rumblings within are not heard by way too curious students. I'm such a baby when it comes to being ill... and that's hard to handle when there are already two little'ns in the house needing my help.


Lisa Julia Photography said...

Ack!! Feel better soon! There is nothing worse than tummy trouble =(

Joy Howse said...

Hoping and praying your are feeling better soon.